Thursday, February 28, 2019

Looking to Moving to a Hugo Setup

There has been a lot of recent policy changes on most US-based services, especially with regards to lewding of fictional characters. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with portraying absolutely anything, be it gore, sexual, etc so long as all of it is fictional and no real person was harmed in the making of it. However that's not why I made this post. It's just that as these policy changes are happening one after the other, I've been feeling more and more uncomfortable relying solely on said US-based services so I've started to look at alternatives.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Making Telegram fit the elementary OS Design

Telegram has been my main messaging platform of choice for a few years now. Recently, I made the switch of platform from Windows 10 to elementary OS. The reasons behind it may warrant a different post but for now the focus is on Telegram. I wanted to make it look more at home on elementary so I started working on a custom theme last night.